Squatting cycles in Barcelona: identities, repression and the controversy of institutionalisation

Claudio Cattaneo , Oriol Barranco Font, Robert Gonzalez Garcia, Marta Llobet Ribas, Galvao Debelle dos Santos

Producción científica: Capítulo de libroCapítuloInvestigaciónrevisión exhaustiva

2 Descargas (Pure)


Squatting in the metropolitan area of Barcelona is analysed here by distinguishing protest cycles and larger sociopolitical contexts. The authors identify different social movements related to both squatted social centres (SSCs) and housing struggles. Why have SSCs hardly ever been institutionalised? How do SSCs differ from squatting for housing? This chapter examines how specific political opportunity structures shape squatters’ tactics and orientations. In particular, three relevant contexts are highlighted—legislative changes, global mobilisations, and the emergence of social movements at the national level. In addition, the authors discuss how state repression narrowed the political opportunities for squatting.
Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaThe Urban Politics of Squatters’ Movements
Número de páginas23
ISBN (versión digital)978-1-349-95314-1
EstadoPublicada - 30 nov 2017

Serie de la publicación

NombreThe Contemporary City
ISSN (versión impresa)2634-5463
ISSN (versión digital)2634-5471


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