Political Regimes and Neopatrimonialism in Central Asia. A Sociology of Power Perspective

Fernando Izquierdo Brichs

Producción científica: Informe/libroAntologíaInvestigaciónrevisión exhaustiva


“This book provides a thorough and well needed analysis of the dynamics of power in Central Asian republics. By focusing on the role played by neopatrimonialism, these contributions are able to shed light on the fundamental features of governance in the “Stans”: clientelism, corruption, crony capitalism, concentration of power in the hands of a closed circle of ruling elites and the absence of democracy. A must read for any scholars studying this part of the world.” – Jean-François Caron, Associate professor in Political Science and International Relations at Nazarbayev University
Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas330
ISBN (versión digital)978-981-15-9093-1
EstadoPublicada - 2021

Serie de la publicación

NombreSpringer / Palgrave / MacMillan
NombreThe Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia
EditorPalgrave Macmillan Singapore
ISSN (impreso)2524-8359
ISSN (electrónico)2524-8367


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