Modifying file syntax for interactive decoding the recommendation (CCSDS-122-B-1)

Fernando Garcia-Vilchez, Francesc Auli-Llinas, Joan Serra-Sagrista, RW Heymann (Editor/a), B Huang (Editor/a), I Gladkova (Editor/a)

Producción científica: Informe/libroLibroInvestigaciónrevisión exhaustiva

1 Cita (Scopus)


In 2005, the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) approved a new Recommendation (CCSDS 122.0-B-1) for Image Data Compression. This Recommendation defines a coding system for image-data compression applicable to digital data from payload instruments, specifying both a file syntax to allow the transmission of the data in multiple packets and techniques to control the compression ratio. In this paper we propose a new file syntax that provides scalability by quality, spatial location, resolution and component. The main advantages of the proposed file syntax for the Recommendation are: 1) the definition of multiple types of progression order, which enhances abilities in transmission scenarios, and 2) the support for the extraction and decoding of specific windows of interest without needing to decode the complete code-stream. This will enable the use of the Recommendation in interactive transmission scenanos.
Idioma originalInglés
EditorialSpie-Int Soc Optical Engineering
Número de páginas11
ISBN (versión impresa)978-0-8194-6831-4
EstadoPublicada - sept 2007

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings Of Spie


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