Impact of the -2 pandemic on the health of individuals with intoxication-type metabolic diseases-Data from the consortium
Ulrike Mütze, Florian Gleich, Ivo Barić, Mathias Baumgartner, Alberto Burlina, Kimberly A. Chapman, Yin-Hsiu Chien, Elisenda Cortès-Saladelafont, Corinne De Laet, Dries Dobbelaere, Francois Eysken, Matthias Gautschi, Rene Santer, Johannes Häberle, Clara Joaquín, Daniela Karall, Martin Lindner, Allan M. Lund, Chris Mühlhausen, Elaine MurphyDominique Roland, Angeles Ruiz Gomez, Anastasia Skouma, Sarah C. Grünert, Margreet Wagenmakers, Sven F. Garbade, Stefan Kölker, Nikolas Boy
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