Grup d'Informació Quàntica (GIQ)

Perfil de la organización

Perfil de la organización

GIQ has proven expertise in many areas of Quantum Information, and is a first-level, interdisciplinary group with worldwide recognition in a wide range of subjects that span from quantum information theory to quantum thermometry and cold atoms. In the last 5 years GIQ has published ca 120 research peer-reviewed articles that include 1 Reports on Progress in Physics (IP 17.3), 3 Physical Review X (IP 15.8), 2 Nature Communications (IP 14.9), 13 Physical Review Letters (IP 9.2); has delivered more than 80 research talks worldwide, most of them by invitation; and 10 PhD students have completed their doctorate degree inside the group. We have been very active in fundraising through competitive calls (8 national projects and 4 international projects). We also have been very engaged in attracting talent at international level with students and postdocs from Germany, Greece, Italy, China, etc. Finally, we maintain an extensive network of collaborations with leading figures in the field.

Dirección a cargo:

Ramón Muñoz Tapia

Líneas de investigación

  • Línias de investigación:
  • Theoretical Quantum Information
  • Quantum Statistical Inference and Quantum Shannon Theory
  • Quantum Machine Learning
  • Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Many Body Systems and Ultracold Atoms

Huella digital

Profundizar en los temas de investigación en los que Grup d'Informació Quàntica (GIQ) está activo. Estas etiquetas de temas provienen de las obras de los integrantes de esta organización. Juntos, forma una huella digital única.

Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años

Colaboración externa reciente a nivel de país/territorio. Para consultar los detalles, haga clic en los puntos o