Fig. 76. Cantharomyces spp. A–B. C in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark



Fig. 76. Cantharomyces spp. A–B. C. elongatus Haelew. & De Kesel. A. Submature thallus with an undamaged appendage. B. Mature thallus. – C –F. C. italicus Speg. C –D. Typical thalli from the abdomen of the host, showing antheridium (an) and constriction of cell VI (arrow). E–F. Mature thalli from the pronotum of the host. In E, "*" points to cell VI corrugation. Scale bars: 50 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-124174 (A), ZMUC C-F-124172 (B), ZMUC C-F-123549 (C–D), ZMUC C-F-124264 (E–F).
Datos disponibles26 nov 2021

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