Fig. 52. A–B in Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark



Fig. 52. A–B. Diphymyces niger (T.Majewski) I.I.Tav. Mature thalli. Some cells are labelled in B, as I, II, III and VI, as well as the stout, tooth-like prominence, on the perithecial tip (arrow). – C–G. Dipodomyces phloeocharidis T.Majewski. C. Mature thallus showing cells I, II, III, the primary septum (a), and the main axis of the primary appendage consisting of three superposed cells (*). D. Mature thallus. E. Reduced male thallus with apparently two functional antheridia. F–G. Immature thalli showing the original spore apex as a spinous process (sx) and trichogyne (tr). – H–I. DistolomYces forficulae (T.Majewski) I.I.Tav. Mature thalli. Scale bars: A–D, F–H = 50 µm; E, I = 25 µm. Photographs from slides ZMUC C-F-123826 (A), ZMUC C-F-124075 (B), ZMUC C-F-122514 (C–G), ZMUC C-F-124076 (H–I).
Datos disponibles26 nov 2021

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