Una memoria histórica de la orden del Carmelo. Roque Alberto Faci (1684-1774)

Student thesis: Doctoral thesis


This thesis presents the unpublished biography of the Aragonese friar Roque Alberto Faci (1684-1774), together with the analysis of his intellectual production. Almost fifty printed religious-themed works that resulted in diverse nature writings (biographies, Teresian apostolate, bibliographies, hagiographies, sermons…), with diverse pretensions. All this taking into account various factors (economic, intellectual, cultural and political) that point to why the process of Enlightenment was defined, how its ideals clashed with the majority culture of the catholic tradition and how the paths were modified from religious sentiment. In addition, in order to understand the life and work of the carmelite Roque Alberto Faci through constant features and regularities that defined both the friar and the religious family in which he incardinated, this thesis recovers, orders, understands and exposes the meaning of the history and development of the Order of Carmen from several centuries ago. Two chapters emerge from these claims. One of them exposes the most objective study that exists about the bases of the expansion of the Order in Aragon, from the first settlements in the thirteenth century, to the last house founded in 1673. Next to it, the succession of a whole political history of organizational divisions that were related to the conjunctures of social and economic powers of each moment, affecting the process in different ways. The other contains the only historiographic study that reflects five centuries of written production by the Carmelite family. The erudition of its members, the diverse controversies that their writings generated in each context, the influence that exerted among its members, and the complex socio-cultural structure of the Europe of these centuries, above all, from the renovating tendencies that they began to gestate in the seventeenth century and culminated under the definition of the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. With the set, we have identified the professional and intellectual career of Roque Albert Faci, the various social plots in which he was found, the gap he occupied in eighteenth-century Zaragoza and the most reliable description of the friar to date.
Date of Award30 Jul 2018
Original languageSpanish
Awarding Institution
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
SupervisorBernat Hernandez Hernandez (Director)

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