Treatment of complex industrial wastewaters containing ammonium and phenolic compounds using granular sludge in continuous airlift reactors

    Student thesis: Doctoral thesis


    The simultaneous nitritation and phenolic compounds removal using aerobic granular reactors in continuous mode were studied in this Ph. D. thesis. The study is divided into two main subjects; the first one is devoted to the modeling of nitritation while the other part is dedicated to the experimental work of simultaneous nitritation and phenolic compounds removal using granular reactors. In the modeling study, a mathematical biofilm model was developed to describe nitritation in aerobic granular reactors operating in continuous mode. The model incorporated a [DO]/[TAN] ratio control strategy to maintain the proportion between the concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) in the reactor effluent to a desired value. The model was validated with a large set of experimental results previously reported in the literature, as well as, data gathered from laboratory scale and pilot plant granular reactors treating reject water. The model was used to study the effect of: a) DO and TAN setpoints, b) operating temperature, c) biofilm characteristics (granules size, density) and d) ammonium concentrations in the influent on the achievement of full nitritation. The results indicated that full nitritation was stably maintained and enhanced by applying the [DO]/[TAN] ratio control strategy in the operation of aerobic granular sludge reactor. Moreover, the model predicted that aerobic granules size larger than 1. 5 mm and high ammonium concentrations in the influent enhanced the achievement of stable full nitritation, while poor influence of the biofilm density was found with the simulation study. Furthermore, at low temperature, full nitritation with granular reactors was demonstrated to be possible. In the experimental work, an airlift reactor was employed. In the reactor start-up, granular sludge from a reactor performing biological nutrient removal was used as inoculum. A synthetic wastewater containing high-strength ammonium concentrations (950 ± 25 mg N L- 1) was fed into the airlift reactor. The reactor was operated until partial nitritation was obtained. Once partial nitritation was achieved, the airlift reactor was bioaugmented with pnitrophenol (PNP)-degrading activated sludge to enhance the growth of phenolic-degraders over the nitrifying granules. Immediately, o-cresol (up to 100 mg L-1) or PNP (up to 15 mg L- 1) were progressively added to the high-strength ammonium influent and fed into the reactor with the objective of studying the simultaneous partial nitritation and o-cresol removal and the simultaneous nitritation and (PNP) removal. First, in the study of simultaneous partial nitritation and o-cresol removal, a stably partial nitritation process was maintained for more than 100 days of operation. Moreover, full biodegradation of o-cresol was achieved during the whole experimental period. Also, o-cresol shock load events were applied and the partial nitritation process was kept stable and unaffected during these events. The achievable nitrogen loading rate (NLRv) and o-cresol loading rate (CLRv) were ca. 1. 1 g N L-1d-1 and 0. 11 g o-cresol L-1d-1, respectively. Analysis of fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) indicated that Acinetobacter genus, betaproteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and Nitrobacter sp. were present into the granules. Later, the operation of the reactor was continued, and an experiment devoted to the performance of the reactor under three sequentially alternating pollutant (SAP) scenarios was executed. In each one of the SAP scenarios, 15 mg L-1 of the secondary phenolic compounds (i. e. p-nitrophenol (PNP), phenol and 2-chlorophenol (2CP)) were added in the regular influent for a short period of time (between 20 to 25 days). The results illustrated that partial nitritation and o-cresol biodegradation were maintained without exhibiting any sign of inhibition by the presence of PNP or phenol. However, when 2CP was present in the influent, 90 % of the partial nitritation and 25 % of the o-cresol degradation was inhibited within three days. This finding suggests that the ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) is more sensitive to 2CP inhibition than heterotrophs (o-cresol-degraders). Second, in the study of simultaneous nitritation and PNP removal, nitritation was maintained during most of the operation period producing an effluent suitable for heterotrophic denitrification. However, in the first 175 days, PNP biodegradation was unstable and several accumulation episodes occurred. The oxygen limiting condition was found to be the main explanation of these events. The increase of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) in the reactor from 2 to 4 mg O2 L-1 permitted to achieve complete and stable PNP removal till the end of the experimental period. The achieved NLRv and PNP loading rate (PNP-LRv) were ca. 1. 0 g N L-1d-1 and 16 mg PNP L-1d-1, respectively. Besides, the performance of the reactor was further assessed by performing two starvation studies, i) PNP starvation and ii) total starvation period (reactor shutdown). Results show that full recovery of PNP degradation was achieved within 2 days after the PNP starvation period ended, while full recovery of simultaneous nitritation and PNP removal was accomplished in just 11 days after the restart of the reactor. In conclusion, the use of continuous aerobic granular reactors for the simultaneous nitritation and phenolic compounds removal is feasible. This could be regarded as a best available technique for the treatment of complex industrial wastewaters containing high-strength ammonium concentrations and phenolic compounds. Aerobic granules are proven to be resistant and resilient to the shock loads, to the alternating presence of recalcitrant compounds and to starvation periods; conditions frequently found in industrial wastewater treatment plants due to changes on the industrial production schedules. In the near future, we propose the simultaneous nitritation and phenolic compounds removal should be combined with either heterotrophic denitrification or Anammox for sustainable nitrogen removal.
    Date of Award5 Jun 2013
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorMaria Eugenia Suarez Ojeda (Director) & Julio Octavio Perez Cañestro (Director)

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