Foreland basins record the erosional and exhumational history of source areas, providing valuable information to decipher the chronology of deformation and orogenic growth. Sedimentary provenance analysis becomes key to unravel the links between tectonics and sedimentation, the evolution of the drainage network, and sediment dispersal patterns from a source to sink approach. This thesis presents a multimethod provenance analysis of the sedimentary systems of the Jaca basin, comprising heavy minerals, U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology of detrital zircons, and the integration of these with petrographic analysis. This combined methodology is applied to the last deposits of the turbidite sedimentation stage (Lutetian), to the deltaic systems developed during the continentalization of the basin, and to the terrestrial systems that constitute the last stages of sedimentation (Priabonian-Miocene) in the basin. In the eastern Jaca basin, the multimethod approach has revealed that during the last turbidite systems (the Rapitán channel), the metamorphic Paleozoic of the northern Axial Zone was locally exposed in the west-central Pyrenees. During the Priabonian, whereas the northern part of the Belsué-Atarés deltaic system was fed from source areas located to the north-east of the Jaca basin, the southern part was sourced from the eastern Pyrennes. Later, two distinct axially-fed systems individualized during the sedimentation of the Campodarbe Fm. The first system, which fed the easternmost sector of the Jaca basin, was sourced from the central Pyrenees, highly influenced by the diapiric structures outcropping in this area. The second system, developed in the western sector, was sourced from the eastern Pyrenees. This differentiation is only revealed through heavy mineral analysis. On the other hand, sedimentation in the westernmost Jaca basin was not influenced by the east-sourced axially-fed systems. Instead, it was sourced from the Basque massifs (western Pyrenees) and the Urbasa-Andía ranges (Basque-Cantabrian Pyrenees) from the Bartonian to the Miocene. This thesis evidences that the integration of several provenance proxies stands as the only way to resolve ambiguous signatures in foreland basins influenced by sediment recycling, or where different source areas have the capability to produce the same provenance signatures depending on the marker considered.
Procedència i patró de dispersió de sediments en conques d’avantpaís: Avantatges d’un enfoc multimètode i aplicació al cas de la conca sudpirinenca de Jaca.
Coll Carrillo, X. (Author). 10 May 2022
Student thesis: Doctoral thesis
Student thesis: Doctoral thesis