This thesis focuses on the study of two figures who stood out in the missionary work of the Society of Jesus in Brazil during the initial cycle of preaching from 1549 and the first fifty years, Manuel de Nóbrega (1517-1570) and José by Anchieta (1534-1597). The objective of this study will be to know the vision they offered of the panorama displayed before them. It starts from the personal career of these two figures of the Order transplanted in the West Indies, with special emphasis on their education in the peninsular university world. Under the idea that this intervened in his wanderings through the New World and determined it. Also, later we go on to address his journey in the missionary scenario of the New World, and the ink that ran from this procedure, beginning to analyze all of his works. Thus, the epistolary production of both personalities is examined in the temporal arc of their mission, to extract the critical view and interpretation of their own work and the reality they encountered in Brazil. Likewise, great attention is paid to the other works they produced. In the case of Nóbrega, the one known as Diálogo sobre a conversão do gentio of 1556-1557. And it can be considered the first reflection on the evangelizing project and the need to carry out reforms to guarantee it, under a new, more pessimistic conception of the indigenous people who had to be reduced to transform them politically and religiously. From Nóbrega, the so-called case of the Mesa da Consciência e Ordens of 1567 is also addressed. A text that can be judged as a dispute with the Jesuit Quirício Caxa about the limits of native slavery in the colony. In the case of Anchieta, in addition to delving into his epistolary body, we delve into his works of diverse nature. In this way, his poetic work is examined, specifically the epic poem De gestis mendi de saa from 1563. A composition that serves to praise the third general governor of Brazil, Mem de Sá, and all his just wars against the natives, who Thus they testify to the beginning of indigenous reduction. Furthermore, in the case of Anchieta, we delve deeper into his pastoral literature that served to shape the natives in their daily lives. And, finally, in this same line, his production of plays is examined, which shows his idea of mission and contributed to the effort to transform the indigenous people and their customs.
Misión y prácticas escritas de la Compañía de Jesús: Manuel de Nóbrega (1517-1570) y José de Anchieta (1534-1597) en el Brasil del siglo XVI
Jabri Bekkali, J. (Author). 31 May 2024
Student thesis: Doctoral thesis
Student thesis: Doctoral thesis