La formación inicial en Educación Inclusiva en los Grados de Educación Primaria en las universidades públicas catalanas

Student thesis: Doctoral thesis


Achieving more inclusive schools has gone from being a claim to a rights issue. This is shown by the latest organic law on Education in Spain (Organic Law 3/2020) and the European objectives set out in the 2030 Agenda. However, the literature shows that there is still a long way to go to achieve schools. inclusive. In this context, many authors, both nationally and internationally, agree in considering the teacher as a key piece in developing equitable and inclusive educational practices. It is for this reason that the main objective of the thesis is to analyze what initial training in inclusive education is being carried out in Catalan public universities in the degrees in Primary Education. Becoming a teacher in an increasingly demanding system means anticipating the competencies required for the assumption of inclusive educational leadership. In the thesis, the competencies in inclusive education of the future teachers have been delimited and the perception of the students on the training received in the university context (in the university classroom and in the centers of internships) as well as the perception that students and university professors have of their domain in these competencies. In addition, other aspects related to the initial training of teachers have been analyzed, such as the organization of the initial training, the attitudes and values towards inclusive education by university teachers and students, the training proposal in the different teaching guides. as well as the existing limiters and facilitators to train in skills related to inclusive education, in the Catalan university context. In order to achieve the objectives set, a mixed, quantitative-qualitative methodology has been chosen. In a first phase, and through the Delphi technique, the different competences in inclusive education that should be mastered by future teachers have been delimited. The delimitation of these competencies has been used to create the questionnaire aimed at students and university teachers as well as interviews with teachers. Based on the results obtained, some of the conclusions reached are: 1) the areas of competence on which training in inclusive education would be based are: teamwork and cooperation, values and ethics, pedagogical-didactic, leadership , technological, evaluation and personnel; 2) in terms of attitudes and values, university teachers and students identify with the inclusive stage, however their motivation when it comes to training in inclusive education is low; 3) students participating in the research perceive a good mastery of skills in personal skills, skills related to values and ethics and skills related to technology; 4) students’ perceptions of competency development in the university context are similar to those indicated by university faculty; 5) the teaching guides proposed in the different universities indicate that in the Primary Education Teaching Degrees the vision of a generalist and specialist teacher continues to be perpetuated; and 6) delimit a series of limiters and proponents of initial training in inclusive education. Finally, the research concludes by offering a proposal for actions to improve initial training in inclusive education that should be borne in mind in university policies.
Date of Award3 Mar 2022
Original languageSpanish
SupervisorJose Maria Sanahuja Gavalda (Director) & Oscar Mas Torello (Director)

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