El marketing en el consumo colaborativo: de estrategias de consumidor a estrategias de peers. Capturando el valor de recursos inactivos.

Student thesis: Final degree project (TFG)


In a society where people are encouraged to consume and where goods are quite accessible, sharing platforms based upon sharing or exchanging resources are achieving unyielding success. Part of their success is due to their capability to seduce a huge number of users that use the platform. In this context of hyper-consumerism and people not used to collaboration, ¿How do they manage to persuade the consumers to share instead of buying?. This thesis´ main aim is to know the strategies carried out by sharing platforms in order to catch users, analysing thoroughly three start-ups
Date of Award3 Jun 2016
Original languageSpanish
SupervisorAnna Valli Casado (Director)

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