El ejército y la sociedad catalana (1898-1909).

Student thesis: Doctoral thesis


The thesis focuses on the analysis of the relations between the Spanish army and the Catalan society from 1898 to 1909, that is, between the end of the war in Cuba and the Philippines and the Barcelona’s “Semana Tragica”. That decade was characterized as a time of political, social and economic change, where the disagreements between the army and the Catalan society would sow the seeds of the social and political unrest in Catalonia in the following decades. Historiography has traditionally analysed these relations through the political facts, and many times with conventionalisms and prejudices born on the twentieth century. The analysis in this thesis is made specially with the focus on sociability and highlighting the complexity and contradictoriness of one relation with a long history of misunderstandings and successes. This analysis is carried out in three ways: First, it gives an image of the public opinion of the army in Catalonia during those years and vice versa and situates also the main phenomena or conflicts that conditioned that image. Then, there is a statistical and a prosopography analysis of 110 elite military stationed in Catalonia at that time, with the aim of putting in context the social and institutional integration of the army in Catalonia. Finally, and more importantly, an analysis of the spaces of sociability, formal and informal, that shared the Catalan civil society and the army. Associations such as the Sociedad Colombófila de Cataluña or the Exploradores barceloneses are examples of the formal associations that most characterised the relations between the army and the catalan society. On the other hand, the flag oaths or military parades were present in Catalonia, as in other parts of the country, with the aim of regenerating the nation.
Date of Award2 Dec 2018
Original languageSpanish
SupervisorLluis Ferran Toledano Gonzalez (Tutor) & Lluis Ferran Toledano Gonzalez (Director)


  • Army
  • Sociability
  • Remotenem

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