Why we need a cyberfeminist perspective for quality online higher education

Paloma Sepulveda Parrini*, Paloma Valdivia , Pilar Pineda Herrero

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


In this Point of Departure, we will present six key concepts, grouped into the following three dimensions which are salient for incorporating a cyberfeminist perspective into online higher education: Critical technologies (Platform capitalism and Digital gender gaps), Gendered gazes (Digital gender-based violence and Safer spaces) and Cyberfeminist pedagogies (Design justice and Cyberfeminist online teaching). This is relevant given the scarcity of quality literature on online higher education analysing aspects such as gender equity, inclusion and diversity. Incorporating a creative cyberfeminist perspective (CyberFem) contributes to enriching views on the quality of the modality of education, as well as giving visibility to conflicts and biases that can lurk behind the screens and physical distance inherent to this modality. Furthermore, it connects this modality of studies to current debates on ethics, data use, privacy, algorithmic biases and online violence. As a result, the quality of this modality of study will improve.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalTeaching in Higher Education
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2024


  • Cyberfeminist perspective
  • online higher education
  • distance education
  • gender perspective
  • quality


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