Vulnerabilidad sociocultural en contextos de crianza : retos teóricos y propuesta analítica

Translated title of the contribution: Sociocultural vulnerability in parenting contexts:: theoretical challenges and analytical proposal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The multi-dimensional nature of sociocultural vulnerability, along with the sectoral nature of most academic studies carried out so far makes a truly comprehensive ethnographic approach to vulnerable parenting contexts seriously difficult, largely due to the lack of a precise analytical definition which may allow to articulate the various types and levels of vulnerability that converge in that area. In this paper we try to identify major theoretical and methodological challenges in the anthropological research on this phenomenon. Thus, we begin by offering an overview of the approaches to the study of vulnerability in Anthropology and other Social Sciences from which such challenges are deduced. Based on this bibliographic review, the results of a previous study carried out by our research group and the ethnographic works in progress, we propose an analytical proposal thought as a generic framework to allow future research to more articulately approach ethnographic fieldwork, thus facilitating a more adequate identification of risks, coping resources and effective lines of support to vulnerable population.
Translated title of the contributionSociocultural vulnerability in parenting contexts:: theoretical challenges and analytical proposal
Original languageSpanish
Article numbere021
Number of pages19
JournalDisparidades. Revista de Antropologia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2021


  • Parenting
  • Crianza
  • Vulnerabilidad sociocultural
  • Infancia
  • Childhood
  • Contexts and situations of vulnerability
  • Sociocultural vulnerability
  • Contextos y situaciones de vulnerabilidad


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