Urban development policy & economic redevelopment of the poblenou district in Barcelona

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The author focuses on the urban and economic transformation of the Poblenou, an old industrial neighbourhood of Barcelona, as a result of the implementation of the 22@Barcelona project (2.000.000 ha) since year 2000. The research examines the strategy adopted by the Barcelona City Council through the approval of a new urban planning ordinance aimed at transforming the old and derelict industrial area into a magnet for new activities. The paper ana-lyses in deep the adaptability of the agents involved in the project along the period 2000-2013 using the theoretical framework of the "entrepreneurial city". This contribution allows to identify and question the political social and economic skills played by local actors. The research results provide interpretative keys to assess public policy linked to urban economic development.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-48
JournalSud-Ouest Europeen
Issue number41-42
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2016


  • 22@Barcelona project
  • Barcelona
  • Entre-preneurial city
  • Financial & economic crisis
  • Poblenou
  • Urban spaces


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