Una economia de frontera amb l'Europa avançada: el desenvolupament econòmic de Catalunya als segles XVIII-XX

Jordi Maluquer de Motes

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This article is an approximation to how
the borderline condition has affected the
economic development of Catalonia since the
XVIII century. It analyzes the dífferent mechanisms of exchange related to the frontier
and the different type of relations that Catalonia
has had throughout this period with the
northern countries, especially with France.
The artic1e examines different aspects such
as the legal trade of cork and wíne or the
illegal one of textiles, the foreign investment
and the intemational transfer of technology and
considers more recent developments such as
the effects of tourism and the process of European economic integration
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)7-30
Number of pages24
JournalRecerques. Història, Economia, Cultura.
Issue number45-46
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2003

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