Transitando entre la Didáctica y la Innovación.

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The article summarizes the professional career of Professor Ángel-Pío González Soto in the educational field, over the last 30 years. From a partial and conditioned approach, from didactics, an overview is provided from shared historical knowledge, also bearing in mind the scientific production of the teacher in the field. His career begins with the study of modular teaching units, opening the way to a modular didactics, overcoming the rigid structures of didactic technology. From the experimentation and validation of these (doctoral thesis) it is projected in other areas, giving rise to new openings both in differential and specific didactics. Finally, it is concluded about the didactic thought, assuming the scientific character of the didactics, evidencing that the theoretical-practical, technological and applicative interest are still present, regardless of all the currents, the traditions, the paradigms and the movements of methodological change in the formation. On the other hand, the current ofthought that advocates the existence of various corpus of educational sciences is defended, independently of each other, but interrelated, and where didactics has its own specificity in the approach to the teaching-learning process, in a interdisciplinary logic. The curriculum is also assumed as a field of action with a set of dimensions and components associated with planning, design, development and innovation at the different levels of curricular specification.
Original languageSpanish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)28-43
Number of pages16
JournalUniversitas Tarraconensis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2022

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