The effect of aspirations, habits, and social security on the distribution of wealth

Jordi Caballé, Ana I. Moro-Egido

Research output: Working paper

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In this paper, we analyze how the introduction of habits and aspirations affects the distribution of wealth when individuals' labor productivity is subject to idiosyncratic shocks and bequests arise from a joy-of-giving motive. In the presence of either bequests or aspirations, labor income shocks are transmitted intergenerationally and this transmission, together with the contemporaneous income shocks, determines the stationary distribution of wealth. We show that the introduction of aspirations increases both the intragenerational variability of wealth and the corresponding degree of intergenerational mobility. The opposite result holds when habits are introduced. Finally, we discuss how aspirations and habits interact with the redistributive features of an unfunded social security system.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2008

Publication series

NameCREA-Barcelona Economics


  • Aspirations
  • D31
  • E21
  • E62
  • Habits
  • Wealth Distribution
  • Social Security


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