Segregación residencial y recursos locales en el área urbana de Valencia: la necesidad de gobernanza metropolitana

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The article studies the metropolitan area of Valencia with regards to the relationship between resi-dential segregation processes, on the one hand, and administrative fragmentation and the availability of local resources, on the other. For this purpose, data from two main sources are used: the Atlas de la renta de los hogares by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, with information at the census tract level, and Consulta de presupuestos y liquidaciones de entidades locales, CONPREL, by the Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, with information at the local level. The results show that in the localities with a higher concentration of census tract areas belonging to the lowest decile of the income distribution (vulnerable areas), the municipalities have less revenue per capita. On the other hand, in the localities with a higher percentage of population living in census tracts belonging to the top decile (well-off areas), the municipalities have higher revenue. The differences in local revenues between one type of municipality and another is mainly due to the weight of taxes related to land and housing prices in the municipal tax income: the impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI) or property tax and the impuesto sobre el incremento del valor de los terrenos de naturaleza urbana (IIVTNU) or the tax on the increase in urban land value. These differences are only partially offset by transfers, mainly from the State. The results coincide with those obtained in other Spanish urban areas and highlight the need to articulate supra-municipal mechanisms for the redistribution of resources at the metropolitan level.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)289-311
Number of pages23
JournalCuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València
Issue number110
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2023

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