Role of Biodegradable Stents as Part of Treatment of Biliary Strictures after Pediatric and Adult Liver Transplantation: An Observational Single-Center Study

Cristina Dopazo, Iratxe Diez, Jesús Quintero, Anna Curell, Carla González-Junyent, Mireia Caralt, Elizabeth Pando, José Luis Lázaro, José Andrés Molino, Javier Juamperez, Lluis Castells, Mercedes Pérez, Itxarone Bilbao, Antoni Segarra, Ramón Charco

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16 Citations (Scopus)


© 2018 SIR This brief report presents the results of 20 adult and pediatric patients treated with the use of biodegradable SX-Ella biliary stents placed by means of a transhepatic approach for the treatment of benign biliary strictures after liver transplantation. Stent insertions were always feasible (100%), and only 1 case of acute pancreatitis was observed (5%). The overall clinical success rate of the procedure, including anastomotic and nonanastomotic strictures, was 75%, and was higher in the anastomotic stricture group (81.25%) than in the nonanastomotic stricture group (50%).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)899-904
JournalJournal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018


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