Resistive Switching with Self-Rectifying Tunability and Influence of the Oxide Layer Thickness in Ni/HfO2/n+-Si RRAM Devices

Alberto Rodriguez-Fernandez, Samuel Aldana, Francesca Campabadal, Jordi Sune, Enrique Miranda, Francisco Jimenez-Molinos, Juan Bautista Roldan, Mireia Bargallo Gonzalez

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28 Citations (Scopus)


© 1963-2012 IEEE. The impact of the dielectric thickness, forming polarity, and current compliance on the self-rectifying current-voltage (I - V) characteristics of Ni/HfO2/n+-Si resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices was investigated. The obtained results indicate that these three aspects not only play a role in the postforming currents but also affect the switching properties of the devices. In the case of 5-nm-thick oxide devices, a self-rectifying ratio of about three orders or magnitude is observed after substrate injection forming (SIF) with current compliance below 500 mu A. However, similar devices subjected to gate injection forming (GIF) do not exhibit such rectifying feature. This distinctive behavior for SIF is ascribed to the formation of a Schottky-like contact in between the Ni-based conducting filament and the semiconductor electrode. For 20-nm-thick oxide devices, the forming voltage under GIF and the subsequent dielectric degradation are higher than for thinner oxide layers, resulting in a less resistive state, and a negligible role of the referred Schottky barrier. The effect of the temperature on the diffusion of the Ni ions that form the conducting path is also discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7964740
Pages (from-to)3159-3166
JournalIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2017


  • HfO
  • memristor
  • resistive random access memory (RRAM)
  • resistive switching (RS)


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