Quantum simulation of non-trivial topology

Octavi Boada, Alessio Celi, Javier Rodriguez-Laguna, José I. Latorre, Maciej Lewenstein

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57 Citations (Scopus)


We propose several designs to simulate quantum many-body systems in manifolds with a non-trivial topology. The key idea is to create a synthetic lattice combining real-space and internal degrees of freedom via a suitable use of induced hoppings. The simplest example is the conversion of an open spin-ladder into a closed spin-chain with arbitrary boundary conditions. Further exploitation of the idea leads to the conversion of open chains with internal degrees of freedom into artificial tori and Mö bius strips of different kinds. We show that in synthetic lattices the Hubbard model on sharp and scalable manifolds with non-Euclidean topologies may be realized. We provide a few examples of the effect that a change of topology can have on quantum systems amenable to simulation, both at the single-particle and at the many-body level.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045007
Number of pages16
JournalNew journal of physics
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2015


  • cold atoms
  • quantum simulation
  • topology


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