Proposal of Indicators to Evaluate Regulated Learning Strategies in a Cooperative Task: An Exploratory Study

Ibis M. Alvarez, Maria Cerrato, Marta Fuentes

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Cooperation plays a key role in educating our citizens. However, evaluating it within the field of education is a difficult task. In this study, boundaries have been applied in order to evaluate the interpsychological mechanisms involved in cooperation. The framework combines "social regulation" and "construction of knowledge", with attention to the regulatory function of socio-cultural dialogue as important dimensions in evaluating cooperation. In order to validate the proposal, an empirical and experimental pilot study is carried out setting up groups of three students with different attitudes when facing cooperative learning tasks. The discussion sequences of the five groups were categorised using the Atlas-ti and at an episodic level. The results show different strategies to regulate the behaviour during the cooperation, each of which seems to play a particular role with regards to managing knowledge and/or social interrelations (cognitive and social dimensions of regulation). The research contributes towards a methodological guide that enables us to identify and to evaluate interaction models that emerge in cooperative tasks and that explain the social regulation of learning, whilst simultaneously gaining more knowledge. © Common Ground, Ibis M. Alvarez, Maria Cerrato, Marta Fuentes, All Rights Reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)341-354
JournalInternational Journal of Learning
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2010


  • Cooperative learning assessment
  • Learning regulation in cooperative task


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