Phosphorylation of Shc proteins in human sperm in response to capacitation and progesterone treatment

Carles Morte, Antoni Iborra, Paz Martínez

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Several authors have demonstrated the involvement of tyrosine kinases during sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction. Shc proteins (p46(Shc), p52(Shc) and p66(Shc) are cytoplasmic substrates of activated tyrosine kinases and are widely expressed in mammalian somatic tissues. Experiments were designed to demonstrate the presence of Shc in spermatozoa and to study its involvement in the signal transduction events leading to acrosome reaction. Anti-Shc antibodies strongly reacted with the acrosomal region of methanol-fixed human sperm. Only one Shc isoform (p52(Shc) was detected on Western blot. To study the degree of phosphorylation of Shc during capacitation and acrosome reaction, sperm samples were divided into two groups: noncapacitated and capacitated/progesterone treated. Lysates from both groups were immunoprecipitated with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies and the precipitated (ie, phosphorylated) proteins were tested with anti-Shc antibodies. The intensity of p52(shc) was clearly increased in capacitated/progesterone-stimulated cells.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-120
JournalMolecular Reproduction and Development
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Apr 1998


  • Acrosome reaction
  • Phosphotyrosine
  • SH2 proteins
  • Signal transduction


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