Per a què estem a STEM? Un intent de definir l'alfabetització STEM per a tothom i amb valors

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


STEM education is an emergent approach with a lot of presence in the current educational arena. Further than the need to have an impact in the STEM education field in an innovative way, however, there is not enough agreement among STEM education researchers, teachers, educators and/or designers. As a consequence, there are a lot of different ways to conceive both what to do and how to do it in STEM education. Our standing point in this paper is to signal the need to agree on the purpose to enrol in the demanding STEM educational approach before discussing the what's and how's of STEM education. To do so, we start by sharing a first initial attempt to define STEM literacy for all, in which the specific and highorder transversal competences and values of STEM education are more emphasised than technological, aesthetic or interdisciplinary aspects which are, on the other hand, quite common in STEM education activities
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)0022-30
Number of pages9
Issue number34
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Alfabetització
  • Transversal competence
  • Equitat
  • Competències transversals
  • Equity
  • Scientific practice
  • Literacy
  • Pràctica científica
  • STEM

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