On the structure of cooperative and competitive solutions for a generalized assignment game

Pablo R. Arribillaga, Jordi Massó, Alejandro Neme

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


We study cooperative and competitive solutions for a many-to-many generalization of Shapley and Shubik's (1971) assignment game. We consider the Core, three other notions of group stability, and two alternative definitions of competitive equilibrium. We show that (i) each group stable set is closely related to the Core of certain games defined using a proper notion of blocking and (ii) each group stable set contains the set of payoff vectors associated with the two definitions of competitive equilibrium. We also show that all six solutions maintain a strictly nested structure. Moreover, each solution can be identified with a set of matrices of (discriminated) prices which indicate how gains from trade are distributed among buyers and sellers. In all cases such matrices arise as solutions of a system of linear inequalities. Hence, all six solutions have the same properties from a structural and computational point of view.
Original languageEnglish
Article number190614
JournalJournal of Applied Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2014


  • Assignment game
  • Competitive equilibrium
  • Core
  • Group stability


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  • Diseño institucional y buenas prácticas de gobierno: teoría, aplicaciones y simulación. INDAGO

    Barberà, S. (Principal Investigator), Ayllon Aragon, G. (Scholar), Balart Castro, P. (Scholar), Caramuta ., D. (Scholar), Filippos , L. (Scholar), Gjorgjiev, R. (Scholar), Li , N. (Scholar), Merlino , L. P. (Scholar), Ozturk , T. (Scholar), Bervoets ., S. J. (Researcher on contract), Beviá Baeza, M. D. C. (Researcher on contract), Ballester Oyarzun, M. A. (Investigator), Brown, D. J. (Investigator), Calsamiglia Costa, C. (Investigator), Coelho, D. (Investigator), Flamand ., S. (Investigator), Groenert ., V. (Investigator), Haeringer , G. (Investigator), Jackson, M. O. (Investigator), Massó, J. (Investigator), Miralles Asensio, A. (Investigator), Mukherjee ., S. (Investigator), Neme, A. (Investigator), Nicolo, A. (Investigator), Nozomu , M. (Investigator) & Vila Carnicero, F. J. (Investigator)

    Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants

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