Observation of very high energy γ-rays from the AGN 1ES 2344+514 in a low emission state with the magic telescope

J. Albert, E. Aliu, H. Anderhub, P. Antoranz, A. Armada, C. Baixeras, J. A. Barrio, H. Bartko, D. Bastieri, J. K. Becker, W. Bednarek, K. Berger, C. Bigongiari, A. Biland, R. K. Bock, P. Bordas, V. Bosch-Ramon, T. Bretz, I. Britvitch, M. CamaraE. Carmona, A. Chilingarian, S. Ciprini, J. A. Coarasa, S. Commichau, J. L. Contreras, J. Cortina, M. T. Costado, V. Curtef, V. Danielyan, F. Dazzi, A. De Angelis, C. Delgado, R. De Los Reyes, B. De Lotto, E. Domingo-Santamaría, D. Dorner, M. Doro, M. Errando, M. Fagiolini, De Angelis, D. Ferenc, E. Fernández, R. Firpo, J. Flix, M. V. Fonseca, L. Font, M. Fuchs, N. Galante, R. Garcĺa-López, M. Garczarczyk, M. Gaug, M. Giller, F. Goebel, D. Hakobyan, M. Hayashida, T. Hengstebeck, A. Herrero, D. Höhne, J. Hose, C. C. Hsu, P. Jacon, T. Jogler, O. Kalekin, R. Kosyra, D. Kranich, R. Kritzer, A. Laille, P. Liebing, E. Lindfors, S. Lombardi, F. Longo, J. Lopez, M. López, E. Lorenz, P. Majumdar, G. Maneva, K. Mannheim, O. Mansutti, M. Mariotti, M. Martínez, D. Mazin, C. Merck, M. Meucci, M. Meyer, J. M. Miranda, R. Mirzoyan, S. Mizobuchi, A. Moralejo, K. Nilsson, J. Ninkovic, E. Onña-Wilhelmi, N. Otte, I. Oya, D. Paneque, M. Panniello, R. Paoletti, J. M. Paredes, M. Pasanen, D. Pascoli

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63 Citations (Scopus)


The MAGIC collaboration has observed very high energy gamma-ray emission from the AGN 1ES 2344+514. A gamma-ray signal corresponding to an 11 σ excess and an integral flux of (2.38 ±0.30stat ±0.70syst) ×10-11 cm-2s -1 above 200 GeV has been obtained from 23.1 hr of data taking between 2005 August 3 and 2006 January 1. The data confirm the previously detected gamma-ray emission from this object during a flare seen by the Whipple collaboration in 1995 and the evidence (below 5 σsignificance level) from long-term observations conducted by the Whipple and HEGRA groups. The MAGIC observations show a relatively steep differential photon spectrum that can be described by a power law with a photon index of α = -2.95 ±0.12stat ±0.2syst between 140 GeV and 5.4 TeV. The observations reveal a low-flux state, about 6 times below the 1995 flare seen by Whipple and comparable with the previous Whipple and HEGRA long-term measurements. During the MAGIC observations no significant time variability was observed. © 2007. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)892-899
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2 I
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2007


  • Gamma rays: observations


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