Nihon no kinsei ni okeru gengo hakken to zokugoyaku

Translated title of the contribution: Vernacular translation and the discovery of language in early modern Japan

Research output: Chapter in BookChapterResearchpeer-review

Translated title of the contributionVernacular translation and the discovery of language in early modern Japan
Original languageJapanese
Title of host publicationNihon "bun"gakushi dai sansatsu.
Subtitle of host publication"Bun" kara "bungaku" e: Higashi Ajia bungaku o minaosu
EditorsKimiko Kōno, Wiebke Denecke, Tokio Shingawa, Hidenori Jinno
Place of PublicationTokyo (JP)
ISBN (Print)978-4-585-29493-1
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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