Multicenter prospective clinical study to evaluate children short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in congenital heart disease (children NEURO-HEART): Study protocol

I. Ribera, A. Ruiz, O. Sánchez, E. Eixarch, E. Antolín, E. Gómez-Montes, M. Pérez-Cruz, M. Cruz-Lemini, M. Sanz-Cortés, S. Arévalo, Q. Ferrer, E. Vázquez, L. Vega, P. Dolader, A. Montoliu, H. Boix, R. V. Simões, N. Masoller, J. Sánchez-De-Toledo, M. ComasJ. M. Bartha, A. Galindo, J. M. Martínez, L. Gómez-Roig, F. Crispi, O. Gómez, E. Carreras, L. Cabero, E. Gratacós, E. Llurba

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10 Citations (Scopus)


© 2019 The Author(s). Background: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most prevalent congenital malformation affecting 1 in 100 newborns. While advances in early diagnosis and postnatal management have increased survival in CHD children, worrying long-term outcomes, particularly neurodevelopmental disability, have emerged as a key prognostic factor in the counseling of these pregnancies. Methods: Eligible participants are women presenting at 20 to < 37 weeks of gestation carrying a fetus with CHD. Maternal/neonatal recordings are performed at regular intervals, from the fetal period to 24 months of age, and include: Placental and fetal hemodynamics, fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional echocardiography, cerebral oxymetry, electroencephalography and serum neurological and cardiac biomarkers. Neurodevelopmental assessment is planned at 12 months of age using the ages and stages questionnaire (ASQ) and at 24 months of age with the Bayley-III test. Target recruitment is at least 150 cases classified in three groups according to three main severe CHD groups: Transposition of great arteries (TGA), Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction (LVOTO). Discussion: The results of NEURO-HEART study will provide the most comprehensive knowledge until date of children's neurologic prognosis in CHD and will have the potential for developing future clinical decisive tools and improving preventive strategies in CHD. Trial registration: NCT02996630, on 4th December 2016 (retrospectively registered).
Original languageEnglish
Article number326
Pages (from-to)326
JournalBMC Pediatrics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


  • Cardiac function and fetal brain MR
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Neurodevelopment
  • Predictive markers


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