Molecular characterization of Malassezia nana isolates from cats

Gemma Castellá, Filippo De Bellis, Ross Bond, F. Javier Cabañes

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11 Citations (Scopus)


Malassezia nana (M. nana) is a lipid-dependent yeast that has been isolated from cats and cows. Some sequence variability has been observed in the large subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions between strains isolated from cats and cows though these regions in M. nana isolates from cats alone have proven to be relatively conserved. In the present study, microsatellite PCR fingerprinting and β-tubulin gene sequence analysis were carried out on M. nana isolates from cats to investigate the genetic diversity of this species. Although a relatively small number of isolates were available, the similarity in the sequences of the β-tubulin and the microsatellite profiles indicate that a particular M. nana genotype colonizes cats. Moreover, all isolates obtained from animals with otitis externa had the same microsatellite fingerprinting pattern. Further studies of a wider population of M. nana isolates from other hosts and status disease are needed to establish that M. nana is a genetically homogeneous species. This is the first report of the characterization of the β-tubulin gene in Malassezia spp. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)363-367
JournalVeterinary Microbiology
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2011


  • Beta tubulin gene
  • Cat
  • Malassezia nana
  • Microsatellites


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