Les cançons de bodes o de tambor i les cançons de falles al Pallars i a la Ribagorça. Una troballa de Palmira Jaquetti.

Translated title of the contribution: Songs of marriage or tabor and songs of falles in Pallars and Ribagorça. A finding of Palmira Jaquetti

Research output: Chapter in BookChapterResearchpeer-review


Study of the social, linguistic and musical characteristics of the songs of marriage and the songs of falles collected by Palmira Jaquetti (Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya, 1927-1940).
Translated title of the contributionSongs of marriage or tabor and songs of falles in Pallars and Ribagorça. A finding of Palmira Jaquetti
Original languageCatalan
Title of host publicationDel viure i de la terra. Palmira Jaquetti al Pallars i a la Ribagorça
Subtitle of host publicationen les missions de recerca per a l'Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya
EditorsCarme Oriol, Jaume Ayats, Josefina Roma, Artur Blasco
Place of PublicationGuissona
PublisherDansàneu Publicacions
Number of pages17
ISBN (Print)978-84-09-42489-4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


  • songs, ethnomusicology, Pallars, Ribagorça


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