La importància de l’acompanyament del psicomotricista per afavorir el benestar infantil: Estudi de cas amb infants amb germans/es amb alteracions en el seu desenvolupament

Research output: Chapter in BookChapterResearchpeer-review


The main characters of the present research are a group of children with siblings with a disability in their development. A preventive and systematic psychomotricity intervention is considered with two infants during a school year to recognize the beneficial effects that have contributed to them. The accompaniment is carried out by an adult, a psychomotor specialist. The family situation, the way their members live it and the degree and type of affectation of the sibling with disability, may have been one of the factors (among others) that have caused shortages in these infants, mainly in an affective, social and relational level. The results obtained from two instruments (Parental Development Interview (PDI) and “Técnica de Rejilla”) of one of the two investigation’s children are presented.
Original languageCatalan
Title of host publicationX Jornades de Reflexió i Recerca : Psicomotricitat i Escola
Subtitle of host publicationL'adult: una presència que acompanya
EditorsLaura Moya, Carolina Nieva, Lurdes Martínez-Mínguez, Francisco Cortés
Place of PublicationBellaterra
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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