Josep Fors Vidal i el mestre Pau Casals. Una gran relació ben fonamentada per un ferm compromís polític, cultural i fins espiritual des de l’exili (1939-1956)

Translated title of the contribution: Josep Fors Vidal and maestro Pau Casals. A great relationship, well-groundedby a strong political, cultural and even spiritual commitment from exile (1939-1956

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After the end of the Spanish Civil War in1939, Josep Fors Vidal (1889-1956), a textilemanufacturer, cultural promoter andpolitician from Canet de Mar, went into exilein Prades (Conflent, France). There heencountered other refugees, among themthe extraordinary musician Pau Casals, withwhom he lived until his death in 1956. Forthe politician from Canet, their relationshipwas one of the most fulfilling and satisfyingaspects of his 17 years of exile. They werein tune perfectly on ideological, politicaland even spiritual planes. Fors found inCasals a great new preceptor whom hefollowed with devotion. They collaboratedin diverse activities and projects throughwhich they were able to give continuity totheir important reformist, cultural andpolitical activism from before the war. Theywere able to continue working, with thesame passion as before, in support of Catalanculture, Catalan nationalism and the returnof democracy in Spain
Translated title of the contributionJosep Fors Vidal and maestro Pau Casals. A great relationship, well-groundedby a strong political, cultural and even spiritual commitment from exile (1939-1956
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)8-17
Number of pages10
JournalEl Sot de l'Aubó (Centre d'Estudis Canetencs)
Issue number89
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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