In-Host Flat-like Quasispecies : Characterization Methods and Clinical Implications

Josep Gregori i Font, Sergi Colomer-Castell, Marta Ibañez-Lligoña, Damir Garcia-Cehic, Carolina Campos, Maria Buti Ferret, Mar Riveiro Barciela, Cristina Andrés, Maria Piñana, Alejandra González-Sánchez, Francisco Rodríguez Frías, Maria Francesca Cortese, David Tabernero, Ariadna Rando-Segura, Tomàs Pumarola Suñé, Juan Ignacio Esteban Mur, Andrés Antón Pagarolas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The repeated failure to treat patients chronically infected with hepatitis E (HEV) and C (HCV) viruses, despite the absence of resistance-associated substitutions (RAS), particularly in response to prolonged treatments with the mutagenic agents of HEV, suggests that quasispecies structure may play a crucial role beyond single point mutations. Quasispecies structured in a flat-like manner (referred to as flat-like) are considered to possess high average fitness, occupy a significant fraction of the functional genetic space of the virus, and exhibit a high capacity to evade specific or mutagenic treatments. In this paper, we studied HEV and HCV samples using high-depth next-generation sequencing (NGS), with indices scoring the different properties describing flat-like quasispecies. The significance of these indices was demonstrated by comparing the values obtained from these samples with those from acute infections caused by respiratory viruses (betacoronaviruses, enterovirus, respiratory syncytial viruses, and metapneumovirus). Our results revealed that flat-like quasispecies in HEV and HCV chronic infections without RAS are characterized by numerous low-frequency haplotypes with no dominant one. Surprisingly, these low-frequency haplotypes (at the nucleotide level) exhibited a high level of synonymity, resulting in much lower diversity at the phenotypic level. Currently, clinical approaches for managing flat-like quasispecies are lacking. Here, we propose methods to identifying flat-like quasispecies, which represents an essential initial step towards exploring alternative treatment protocols for viruses resistant to conventional therapies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1011
Number of pages14
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 17 May 2024


  • Enhanced fitness
  • Flat-like quasispecies
  • Mutagens
  • Near-flat
  • Regular quasispecies
  • Resistance-associated mutations (RAS)
  • Viral treatment failures


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