Improvement of shuttle-box performance by anterodorsal medial septal lesions in rats

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Septal lesions impair a variety of tasks, including inhibitory avoidance and one way active avoidance. In contrast, these lesions improve two-way active avoidance, probably by reducing anxiety. The present work aimed to study whether anterodorsal medial septal lesion (a) improves performance of two-way active avoidance task (Experiment I), as it has been observed with wider septal lesion, and (b) affect anxiety and/or locomotor activity (Experiment II).This precise region was chosen because some evidences suggest that its lesion do not lead to a reduction of anxiety. Lesioned rats tended to make a higher, but statistically non-significant (P=0.074), number of avoidances regardless of the session, being this difference statistically significant on the retention session (RT). The same lesion did not appear to have an anxiolytic effect, and did not affected basal locomotor activity. Different possible explanations of our results are discussed. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)147-158
JournalBehavioural Brain Research
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2003


  • Elevated plus-maze
  • Emotions
  • Learning
  • Medial septal area
  • Memory
  • Open field
  • Two-way active avoidance


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