Imparare l'imperativo a partire dalla mindfulness : un project work realizzato in una scuola di Barcellona

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


This essay aims to analyze a project work of Italian as a Foreign Language (IFL), carried out with a group of A1/A2-skilled students at a secondary school in Barcelona, Institut Escola Artístic Oriol Martorell. The project work was based on mindfulness from a communicative and humanistic approach. The first part of the study investigates some key concepts (communicative competence; task and project work; mindfulness). The second part introduces a case study where mindfulness and meditation are applied, jointly with the use of the imperative mood for advising to relax. The project-work enables to pursue simultaneously language acquisition and personal and social skills. The results show that mindfulness applied to IFL learning allows to sharpen self-awareness and creativity through a meaningful learning.
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)0189-210
Number of pages22
JournalQuaderns d'italià
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Italiano LS
  • Approccio comunicativo e umanistico-affettivo
  • Project work
  • Mindfulness
  • Imperativo
  • Italian FL
  • Humanistic language teaching
  • Imperative mood

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