Hypersaline Infusion Protocol through the Portal Vein may Focus Electroporation on Tumor Tissue, but is it really Safe? Preliminary Results

Clara Pañella, Xavier Moll Sánchez, Rita Quesada, Alberto Villanueva Garatachea, Mar Iglesias, Anna Andaluz Martínez, O. Lucía, Patricia Sánchez-Velázquez, L Grande, Fernando Burdío

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Introduction: Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) is highly dependent on the electrical conductivity of the tissue and the high conductivity of tumor tissue, which leads to a lower field than in the surrounding healthy tissue. Hypersaline Infusion (HI) through the portal vein focuses IRE on scattered liver tumors, by creating a differential conductivity between the different types of tissue. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of the HI protocol on the hepatic and histological biochemical results. Methods: Ten male Sprague Dawley rats were used for HI protocol. Blood samples were collected at pre-, immediately post-, 24-hrs, 72-hrs, 1-week and 3-weeks post-HI. All the animals were sacrificed after one-month follow-up in order to collect histological samples. Results: The mortality rate in this procedure reached 30% (3/10). Only the pH and transaminases at 24-hrs were significantly and directly linked to mortality (p=0.036 and p=0.004, respectively). The three non-surviving animals had a four-time higher AST level at 24-hrs. Natremia normalized at 24-hrs post-HI. Statistically significant differences were found in hepatic necrosis between the non-surviving (n=3) and surviving rats (n=7) (30.67 ± 10.97 vs. 2.86 ± 7.56% respectively, p=0.01). Discussion: HI through the portal system involves a significant risk of possibly lethal cytolysis and acidosis. Therefore, compensatory measures and a reduced saline overload are warranted to improve the survival rates.
Original languageEnglish
JournalClinics in Surgery
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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