Habemus Pactum : a preu de drets humans

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


On April 10, 2024, the European Parliament approved new rules on migration and asylum with 300 votes in favor and 270 against, following a proposal by the European Commission to reform the Common European Asylum System. The Council adopted the legislative acts on 14 May 2024 and the Migration and Asylum Pact will apply from 2026, giving Member States two years to adjust their legal systems. This Pact addresses a complex and sensitive issue, highlighting the humanitarian crisis and political tensions due to the lack of an adequate response, putting the EU project and its founding principles at risk. The Pact refers to the rights of people from third states, remembering that human rights are mandatory for the EU and its members. However, the solidarity promoted is internal between Member States, to prevent Mediterranean countries from bearing the migration crisis alone. This article critically analyzes the five regulations that make up the Pact, concluding that, although it may become an obstacle for those of us who consider the EU to be the prescriber of human rights, the defense of the founding values and these universal rights cannot cease or diminish, on the contrary, from now on it will have to intensify.
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)148-161
Number of pages14
JournalQuaderns Institut d'Estudis Europeus
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2024


  • Migración y asilo
  • Refugiados
  • Derechos humanos
  • Principios y valores fundacionales
  • Migration and asylum
  • Refugees
  • Human rights
  • Principles and founding values
  • Migració i asil
  • Refugiats
  • Drets humans
  • Principis i valors fundacionals

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