Gestion de las aguas superficiales del sistema del alto Sebu (Marruecos)

A. Mazouzi, S. Dahbi, J. Trilla, J. Estalrich

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


The Sebu basin is among the most important watersheds in Morocco, both, from the point of view of the amount of surface water that accounts for the country and as well as from the dependence that a wide extensive agicultural dedicated land has of the regulation of its waters. These facts justify that this watershed is the main scope for most of the national water resources management plans. Some of these plans consider the constructon of a multireservoir system. Nowadays, the existing reservoirs are those of the upper Sebu subwatershed. In this work we present a management model oriented to maximize electricity production for this subwatershed according to the special circumstances present in the region, such as the city of Fez which acts as both a center of demand and a center of contamination. This model allows to evaluate, in terms of electricity production, the consequences of different situations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-56
JournalBoletin Geologico y Minero
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1998


  • Alal el Fasi
  • Idriss Io
  • Morocco
  • Sebú river
  • Stochastic Dynamic Programming


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