Falls Predict Acute Hospitalization in Parkinson's Disease

J. Gonzalez Ardura, M.G. Alonso Losada, V. Nogueira, M.J. Catalan, C. Ordas, Oriol De Fabregues, N. Bernardo, N. Lopez Ariztegui, E. Cubo, L.M. Lopez Diaz, J. Garcia Caldentey, J.M. Garcia Moreno, M. Alvarez Sauco, B. Vives, M. Morales-Casado, M. Kurtis, Jaime Kulisevsky, E. Suarez Castro, N. Caballol, I. Gonzalez AramburuC. Prieto, T. De Deus Fonticoba, J. Ruiz Martinez, Diego Santos García, C. Cores, C. Labandeira, V. Gomez Mayordomo, F. Carrillo Padilla, C. Valero, I. Legarda, C. Borrue, B. Solano Vila, J.C. Martinez Castrillo, M. Seijo, J. Infante, L. Lopez Manzanares, Maria José Martí, P. Sanchez Alonso, Victor Puente, J. Miranda, S. Escalante, I. Cabo, L. Vela, P. Mir, Jorge Hernandez Vara, Marina Cosgaya, M. Menendez Gonzalez, P. Martinez-Martin, M. Blazquez Estrada, S. Jesus, P. Pastor, I. Croitoru, M.A. Avila Rivera, I. Gaston

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9 Citations (Scopus)


There is a need for identifying risk factors for hospitalization in Parkinson's disease (PD) and also interventions to reduce acute hospital admission. Objective: To analyze the frequency, causes, and predictors of acute hospitalization (AH) in PD patients from a Spanish cohort. PD patients recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS-2015 (COhort of Patients with PArkinson's DIsease in Spain, 2015) cohort from January 2016 to November 2017, were included in the study. In order to identify predictors of AH, Kaplan-Meier estimates of factors considered as potential predictors were obtained and Cox regression performed on time to hospital encounter 1-year after the baseline visit. Thirty-five out of 605 (5.8%) PD patients (62.5±8.9 years old; 59.8% males) presented an AH during the 1-year follow-up after the baseline visit. Traumatic falls represented the most frequent cause of admission, being 23.7% of all acute hospitalizations. To suffer from motor fluctuations (HR [hazard ratio] 2.461; 95% CI, 1.065-5.678; p = 0.035), a very severe non-motor symptoms burden (HR [hazard ratio] 2.828; 95% CI, 1.319-6.063; p = 0.008), falls (HR 3.966; 95% CI 1.757-8.470; p = 0.001), and dysphagia (HR 2.356; 95% CI 1.124-4.941; p = 0.023) was associated with AH after adjustment to age, gender, disease duration, levodopa equivalent daily dose, total number of non-antiparkinsonian drugs, and UPDRS-IIIOFF. Of the previous variables, only falls (HR 2.998; 95% CI 1.080-8.322; p = 0.035) was an independent predictor of AH. Falls is an independent predictor of AH in PD patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)0105-124
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Parkinson's Disease
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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