Factors Influencing Carbon Stocks and Accumulation Rates in Eelgrass Meadows Across New England, USA

Alyssa Novak, M. C. Pelletier, Phil Colarusso, J. Simpson, M. N. Gutierrez, Ariane Arias Ortiz, M. Charpentier, Pere Masqué Barri, P. Vella

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

22 Citations (Scopus)


Increasing the protection of coastal vegetated ecosystems has been suggested as one strategy to compensate for increasing carbon dioxide (CO) in the atmosphere as the capacity of these habitats to sequester and store carbon exceeds that of terrestrial habitats. Seagrasses are a group of foundation species that grow in shallow coastal and estuarine systems and have an exceptional ability to sequester and store large quantities of carbon in biomass and, particularly, in sediments. However, carbon stocks (C stocks) and carbon accumulation rates (C accumulation) in seagrass meadows are highly variable both spatially and temporally, making it difficult to extrapolate this strategy to areas where information is lacking. In this study, C stocks and C accumulation were determined at 11 eelgrass meadows across New England, representing a range of eutrophication and exposure conditions. In addition, the environmental factors and structural characteristics of meadows related to variation in C stocks were identified. The objectives were accomplished by assessing stable isotopes of δ 13 C and δ 15 N as well as %C and %N in plant tissues and sediments, measuring grain size and 210 Pb of sediment cores, and through assessing site exposure. Variability in C stocks in seagrass meadows is well predicted using commonly measured environmental variables such as grain size distribution. This study allows incorporation of data and insights for the northwest Atlantic, where few studies on carbon sequestration by seagrasses have been conducted.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2076-2091
Number of pages16
JournalEstuaries and Coasts
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Seagrass
  • Blue carbon
  • Carbon sequestration
  • New England


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