España Social: la revista de la sección española de la Asociación Internacional para la Protección Legal de los Trabajadores.

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The International Association for the Legal Protection of Workers was the antecedent of the International Labor Organization (ILO) that since 1907 had a
section in Spain and developed an important editorial task, among which is the edi-
tion of the España Social magazine. From the doctrinal content of this publication,
we want to check what ideas about the work the authors who collaborated with the
magazine and the Spanish section had and intuit if there was any evolution in their
thinking. This would allow us to identify how those who were predecessors of the ILO in Spain thought the work.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)89-119
Number of pages31
JournalHistoria, trabajo y sociedad
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • International Association for the Legal Protection of Workers
  • Work. Spain
  • Cultural history
  • International Labor Organization

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