Els raigs brillants del Sol Naixent : Nacionalisme i revisionisme a Japó: una qüestió de memòria històrica (1948 - 2016)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


The rise of a nationalist resurgence in Japan at the beginning of the twenty-first century was the result of ending the block dynamics in international strategy and Asian regionalization. This has expressed itself in the censorship of school history books, the musealization of revisionist or the politicization of a problematic space such as the Yasukuni sanctuary. The present article aims to address the origins of the revisionist wave and how it has managed to reach today's youth through manga and the internet. For that purpose, they are analyzed the contradictions in which peace was build, evidenced in the ambiguity of the imperial figure, in the fragility of the historical memory trapped by the stories of the victors and the self contradictory attitude of Japanes society towards the war, between guilt and victimism.
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)0087-115
Number of pages29
JournalTiempo devorado
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Nacionalisme japonès
  • Revisionisme, memòria històrica
  • Yasukuni
  • Manga
  • Nacionalismo japonés
  • Revisionismo
  • Memoria histórica
  • Japanese nationalism
  • Revisionism
  • Historical memory

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