Del cos viscut al cos representat. (Cor)- relació entre acció i cognició

Research output: Chapter in BookChapterResearchpeer-review


In this communication we present an advance on the doctoral thesis project that is being carried out at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Doctorate in Education in the field of the didactics of musical, plastic and body 182 The objective is to investigate if working the body from the sensory motor game and moving to the body represented, within the psychomotor room, the cognitive processes of three-year-old children are favored. This is an ecological research, where the role of the adult as a psychomotor and researcher facilitates continuity in the work and at the same time favors the human environment in which the child participates understand that this relationship favors the self-awareness of each student's self. The presentation of the results obtained allows us to begin defining elements for the discussion, finding some indications that give some light to the search so far.
Original languageCatalan
Title of host publicationX Jornades de reflexió i recerca: psicomotricitat i escola
Subtitle of host publicationL'Adult: una presència que acompanya
EditorsLaura Moya, Carolina Nieva, Lurdes Martínez-Mínguez
Place of PublicationBellaterra
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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