Cartografia de la inundabilitat local al delta del Llobregat durant el temporal Gloria

Translated title of the contribution: Local flood cartography of the Llobregat Delta following Storm Gloria

Anna Marín Puig, Miquel Sainz de la Maza

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Drainage constraints in the southern lobe of the Llobregat Delta are aggravated during coastal storms due to higher marine water levels and river-mouth blockage. The aim of this article is to identify the areas on the right bank of the River Llobregat that are most exposed to flooding. Remote sensing methods are used to discriminate agricultural and wetland areas flooded during Storm Gloria (January 2020). The results reveal flooding without river overflow, compromising the economic viability and ecological functions of the remaining undeveloped areas of this metropolitan delta. This situation is exacerbated by an increase in the frequency of sea storms and the relative rise in sea-level induced by global warming.
Translated title of the contributionLocal flood cartography of the Llobregat Delta following Storm Gloria
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)359-384
Number of pages26
JournalDocuments d' Analisi Geografica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2023


  • Inundació local costanera
  • Exposició
  • Sentinel-1
  • Nivells màxims temporal marítim
  • Canvi climàtic
  • Inundación local costera
  • Exposición
  • Niveles máximos temporal marino
  • Cambio climático
  • Exposure
  • Extreme sea-storm levels
  • Climate change
  • Local coastal flooding


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