Al principi fou l'esquerda / Am anfang war der Sprung : la trilogia de Danzig

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


This article focuses on the sentence "Am Anfang war der Sprung" ("At the beginning there was the crack") that Grass formulated in a 1962 small essay, "Ohrenbeichte. Brief an ein ungeschriebenes Blatt", which alludes to what the author conceives as his role in depicting the world. After the analysis of the different ways through which this sentence has been interpreted by scholars, the article focuses on the significance it has for each of the novels that constitute the so called "Trilogy of Danzig", especially for their "heroes" and protagonists, without losing sight of the autobiographical dimension in these works. Special attention is paid to the last novel of the Trilogy, Hundejahre (Dog years), which is maybe the least known of the three.
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)0057-69
Number of pages13
JournalAnuari de Filologia. Literatures Contemporànies
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Günter Grass
  • Trilogia de Danzig
  • Estètica grassiana
  • Autobiografia
  • Intertextualitat
  • Günter Grass
  • The Danzig Trilogy
  • Grass aesthetics
  • Autobiography
  • Intertextuality

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