Advances in the development and us of vaccines for prevention of endemic diseases in pigs

Research output: Chapter in BookChapterResearchpeer-review


This chapter describes major husbandry- and management-related factors affecting health, welfare and production efficiency in different swine husbandry systems. Given the current transformation in pig production, there are several conflicting goals which need to be addressed during design and adaptation of husbandry systems in the future. The following sections deal with the most important areas impacting pig health and welfare such as space, climate, flooring, water and feed supply. Since it is not possible to give a comprehensive overview of all systems the authors summarize fundamental housing requirements which must be achieved in all systems. They also review basic principles in assessing the quality of housing systems. The very important human factor is addressed at the end of the chapter.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOptimising pig herd health and production
EditorsDominiek Maes, Joaquim Segalés
Place of PublicationDublin
PublisherBurleigh Dodds Science Publishing
Number of pages62
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-78676-885-8
ISBN (Print)978-1-78676-883-4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2023

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