Tractament integral d'efluent gasosos en instal·lacions industrials mitjançant bioreactors

    Project Details


    Biological systems for treatment of waste gases polluted with volatile organic and inorganic compounds (VOCs and VICs) are an emerging technology as minimization methods for pollutants depletion from waste gases. Such a technology has a special interest for air pollution control at industrial facilities. This poject intends to evaluate the technical and economical viability of biological systems for the integral treatment of polluted off-gases. A biofilter and a biotrickling filter will be used as experimental setups during the project. Performance of bioreactors will be studied for COVs ammonia, and highly-strengthen hydrogen sulphide off-gases. Bioreactors will be operated and monitored under different operational conditions. Firstly, hydrodynamics and physical-chemical parameters of packed bed systems will be determined, Then, kinetic parameters of biological degradation will be assessed during the performance analysis foe each reactor at the single pollutant operation stage. Biomass samples taken at different times along the bed height of each reactor will be used for titrimery and respirometry tests. Bioreactors modelling will be performed thereafter. Experimental and modelling information will be used to evaluate the technical capabilities and economical viability of each type of bioreactor depending on the characteristics of the air source to be treated. Project will end up with a validation stage of bioreactors with real waste gases at two industrial facilities with the cooperation of two companies interested in the project
    Effective start/end date1/10/0630/09/09

    Collaborative partners


    • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC): €177,628.00


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